shū níng
意思解释:(Scanty coagulate)亦作“疎凝”。 迂阔固执。 开朗庄重。
Gather, concentration. 〖 word 〗 condenses / caky / agglutinate / agglomeration / wirh fixed attention / stare / be buried in thought 〖 group 〗 coagulates water / steam coagulates Cheng Shuang / be buried in thought to think 〖 painstakingly sentence 〗 vapor is encountered cold coagulated countless Xiaoshui drip, float in sky, become the cloud. / mom sees the eye of A wool is swollen, there still is blood on nose, know he fought with other child again. 〖 ...
疏组词、凝组词、 湿度、矛戈、切磨、岐婆、石苔、矜贵、胪声、窥度、河女、骄悖、御物、挺缓、递宿、攀问、讣文、懋典、款旧、循飞、快悦、疏凝、