zhī kè
意思解释:(V/arc person in charge of reception at ceremonies)佛寺中专管接待宾客的僧人。又称典客、典宾。 旧时办理婚丧喜庆等事专管接待宾客的人。又称知宾。 旧时宫中女官名。
旧时帮助办喜事或丧事的人家招待宾客的人。有的地区叫知宾。 寺院中主管接待宾客的和尚。也叫知客僧。…
Old times help manages a wedding or the other people of funeral arrangement treats the person of guest. Some areas make tell guest. The director in fane recieves the bonze of guest. Also call v/arc person in charge of reception at ceremonies the monk. ...
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