cháng zhōu
意思解释:(Long continent)水中长形陆地。 古苑名。故址在今江苏省苏州市西南、太湖北。春秋时为吴王阖闾游猎处。 道教称大海中神仙居住的十处名山胜境之一。详“十洲”。
The land in water. Because submit long and narrow form, friend says to grow continent. consider beautiful woman : А of Piao of of bend so as to breakstubborn of board shake ぶ ! of W of idle of benzene Li long continent, point to the land in water. ...
长组词、洲组词、 良俊、力势、响卜、泛观、养鱼、痴病、铜鞮、试程、酗骂、公告、扶翊、吴邓、近目、黝纠、耀芒、刀豆、卤获、江城、龟趺、长洲、