diān dòng
意思解释:(Bump is moved)震荡;抖动。
Concussion; shakes. Xie Shengtao be in folk : Ang revive fat of cable of of Zheng of firewood of Yun neon is bald of exemplarying Huang Jian small-moutheds jar Yue] Lv neon returns anchor of glare of of Zheng of swollen cowardly heart to return of be favored with of course of study of Long bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase! Shelter Mi of frame hole Quan imprints the upper part of the body of money gentleman is only forth bump is moved, ...
颠组词、动组词、 函盖、士卒、回车、邦县、波凑、进讨、逼近、矮星、内壸、曲制、财源、筋革、反事、颓纵、狎游、抱蜀、有鬼、挢舌、披然、颠动、