bào shǔ
意思解释:(Hold Sichuan in the arms)抱持祠器。《管子·形势》:“抱蜀不言,而庙堂既修。”又《形埶解》:“人主立其度量,陈其分职,明其法式,以莅其民,而不以言先之,则民循正。所谓'抱蜀'者,祠器也。故曰:'抱蜀不言,而庙堂既修。'”
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Express the quantity of two arms surround. Can add adjective big . Hold in the arms hind can central word be noun or adjectival: of pagoda tree Р 3 hold wool in the arms / the tree has 5 to hold thick ∥ in the arms is a large tree then, the tree is surrounded two is hold in the arms big. / from pull below kang mat hold newspaper and the mimeograph by in the arms to taste greatly, a place of strategic importance arrives in the furnace of outer room, equalize...
抱组词、蜀组词、 青坻、灰吹、韬符、肆情、函盖、士卒、回车、邦县、波凑、进讨、逼近、矮星、内壸、曲制、财源、筋革、反事、颓纵、狎游、抱蜀、