
tāng pìn

意思解释:(Shang Pin)《孟子·万章上》:“伊尹耕于有莘之野,而乐尧·舜之道焉……汤使人以币聘之,嚣嚣然曰:‘我何以汤之聘币为哉?我岂若处畎亩之中,由是以乐尧·舜之道哉?’”本谓商汤用礼物聘请伊尹出来做官。后以“汤聘”指官爵利禄。




on 10 thousand chapters of Mencius · : Does  of the  that make intense smooth with a rake plan cease Lang Gu of  of  of umbrella of Lao of thick  of faithful ⑺ of  of cent  dust  member move  of  of steel   brightness ' me why does Shang Zhi hire money to be I am like place Quan mu in, by be the path with Le Yaoshun ' this calling Shang Qingyi Yin comes out be an official, hind with Shang Pin wealth and position of the rank of nobility pointing to an official. book · meets Gao Ziwei language 18 ...

