
dú zuò

意思解释:(Sit alone)一个人坐着。旧题汉·李陵《答苏武书》:“独坐愁苦,终日无睹。”专席而坐。亦谓骄贵无匹。唐人因《后汉书·宣秉传》中“三独坐”之事,遂以“独坐”为御史中丞别名。 专席而坐。亦谓骄贵无匹。 唐 人因《后汉书·宣秉传》中“三独坐”之事,遂以“独坐”为御史中丞别名。




Offer the small bed that one person takes. commentate renown · commentate bed account :  of Song  imposes disease of the Huaihe River 4 Bo  makes Bo   smooth with a rake to slaughter slaughter disease of  of  of billow of  of  of pull up of the Song Dynasty of evil spirit of  of  of joyous thunder of Hui of ≌ of  of bully plaque ill  ! Hail plans the  that cover ㄏ ! of  of  of コ of さ of Luo of funny Mie He ever since 4 Hou Zhuai horizontal strokes, does the world do it language say:  left ) wind a day, (provide Yuan) sit alone, xu (Xu Huang) lie tiger, the Tang Dynasty (the Tang Dynasty...

