
diē zuò

意思解释:(Drop sit)身体迅速跌落坐下。 戏剧表演中的一种程式、动作。身体突然下跌,屁股着地,坐于台上。多表示激愤的感情。




The body declines quickly sit down. Feng Wenbing the willow on the river : The  that boil ⑻ cracks joint of bones making fun of  embeds Zhan Nuo of  of  of chloric ィ of  of  of  of model of Nuo of hair on the neck of a pig excuse me of slender and delicate of У of neon of an ancient nationality in China of superintend and director of atmosphere of eunuch of Zi of  of  of male neon hill! of treasure of  of onlying brown of abdomen of caution Piao  she is being read, reading, she holds newspaper to drop finally sit on bench. the movement of a kind of form in ② Thespian performance.

