
pú yè

意思解释:(Fall forward is shot)官名。秦始置,汉以后因之。汉成帝建始四年,初置尚书五人,一人为仆射,位仅次尚书令,职权渐重。汉献帝建安四年,置左右仆射。唐宋左右仆射为宰相之职。宋以后废。太平天国曾设仆射一职。




< renown > government-owned name. It is chieftain of elementary government official originally. The Eastern Han Dynasty makes for a high official in ancient China the position of a deputy to the chief of an office, authority weigh gradually, cent left and right sides. Tang Zun right fall forward is shot for a high official in ancient China the province seniors office or officer, namely prime minister in feudal China. Need to add after chapter thing is made the same score below door of the book in be the same as just be prime minister in feudal China, get diversionary. ...

