jiè zhí
意思解释:(Rent office)仅有虚衔而非实授的官职。
Official rank 1 title job is big 2 position post changes 4 job of class of 3 workers job to teach 5 job number school of duty of post and rank of post of position of post of 6 function powers and authorities of office duty of be in charge of of duty of 7 professions employee only 8 stop job one's job dismisses relegation of competent abdication take office carries duty on the head
借组词、职组词、 殚屈、僧雏、懵药、极品、客邮、挺杖、奋怒、少差、夙见、波导、命事、涔勺、日夕、搐鼻、征裳、疾忌、黑屋、杖剑、打仰、借职、