
zhǎng pàn

意思解释:(The palm is sentenced)媒人。语本《周礼·地官·媒氏》:“媒氏,掌万民之判。”郑玄注:“判,半也。得耦为合,主合其半成夫妇也。”




family name of intermediary of · of official of ground of week ceremony · : Regretful wrings  of Duo of Li of rare  fall forward small! of our P  sentence, half also. Get Ou to close, advocate add up to its to become a husband and wife partly also. hind because say intermediary is factitious the palm is sentenced . Hu Jizong of the Song Dynasty Shuo of intermediary of · of book character story : Regretful all badge old woman is young! Those lukewarm press just crouchs Zhai to iron Gong of subcutaneous ulcer of play chess of flesh ご to say eyebrow short for the Yihe River shakes Jun Reguo is maiden,

