fù jǔ
意思解释:(Go to lift)犹应举。唐宋时指乡贡入京参加礼部试。明清时指赴省城参加乡试。
20 years cease surpasses one book bursa, today evening Gu honour meaning turns mad. Overflow short hair on the temples of Xiang Yunxiao pity, know word ode early to be good at poplar. Roc assistant wind this below, gas of dragon sword male and female is expected. Feet of day of infinite cassia twig 5, autumn antecedents chaos attacks the person is sweet. ...
赴组词、举组词、 创荡、露筋、丹枫、都监、骇跳、戍角、螭鱼、血雠、赞宪、石峯、幅练、青虹、必索、养甥、明台、分殊、寥宇、呈览、追非、赴举、