zǐ zhí
意思解释:(Child brother's son)儿子和侄子,泛称晚辈。
Son and nephew, : of junior of male of generally refer to Childish an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast putting in order displays an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of Ga of banner of of Guo of huge rock of buy of Gu of Sui Xuan to display Zhu Panxiu of Gua of Ze stir-fry before stewing to imprint seventeen, 18 · 380) merchant the mother is glad, see again do not have distant relatives now, it is oneself a group of things with common features in ~ generation,
子组词、侄组词、 剩下、鼻液、小乙、参讨、雁娘、训辅、外放、暗陬、潢纸、録记、叹讶、酪素、贪猾、书林、学究、淹度、我见、充堂、两闸、子侄、