jīn gǔ
意思解释:(Bones and muscles)筋肉和骨头,泛指体格。 犹关键。 书法中指字体的骨架和格局。
Muscle and bone. Constitution of generally refer to. be born at hardship, die at peace and happiness : Ang serve Yi swings live abroad of Jian Wo banter howl of flesh of Bo impossible low-lyingponds the that make chaste tree pushs Huan ! Thin spend a А the benefit that Yin does not have lackey, of ~ strong. ...
筋组词、骨组词、 煽动、牛喘、冠岁、齐列、物任、世叔、老卖、自名、文笔、危王、策谋、油水、口川、党徽、硕麟、西归、深美、函秦、魄门、筋骨、