
shí lù

意思解释:(When road)世路,世俗。当代。方言。时尚;时髦。即玉路。天子所乘之车。路,同“辂”。 当代。 即玉路。天子所乘之车。路,同“輅”。参见“玉路”。




< form > modern. Wu Yu. Shanghai [] , collect south Shanghai. shake socks folk song : Ah Zhen of card of  law severe fine and soft! Benzene  Zhang overspreads Zuo ] . rest Pu Chao the 72nd: Ba is foolish glue article Tang drips the  that return anxiety considers  of kind of goosefoot blessing of  of school   Α of  of haze of bosom of Juan of Bo of  of road of  of  of obituary of press and smooth of carbylamine of  of  of  of  billabong every  ! Light filling bar takes two of ∈ having enough to return of Xuan Li awake the Qin Dynasty Yours Excellency...

