
bā bā

意思解释:()象声词。形容双唇开合发声。 象声词。形容拍击声。




< draft > double lip leaves combine the sound that give out. [Bright] Zhu You gold of Yi Yong demit : By Yang Bi back up of charcoal of loose onlying wingceltis is slaughtered provide dinner for the Qu that punish  persuades to heat up  Bi Lan to rancor! Huan of barefooteding Nai of A of  of Yan of Lai of  of  of Ba of hail know act reads Pi of ⑻ Qian hesitating to twist Ge Youhan has bout to be opposite with Hou Yong in the restaurant drink, take the gut that thrust out noise. strong and vigorous the anguish of old frost ...

