cí yì
意思解释:(Demit city)辞去封邑。借指辞官退休。
Inclined day hoists the sails defend brink, long wind blows the Tianjin below billow. The heart hangs demit of wild duck Xi to spend a county, the dream is recalled into weever angle black silk ribbon. Fine of river bank white gull is right guest, open field siskin is warm according to the person. Scanty laugh at Yin madly 3 years oneself, ...
辞组词、邑组词、 云芽、粪壤、蜃海、余馨、化行、定准、养艾、玄及、急疾、攀路、生霉、欣叹、钟镖、萋锦、印证、便桶、狂狯、诛让、月幌、辞邑、