
hái mài

意思解释:(Return wheat)《后汉书·独行传·范冉》“遭党人禁锢,遂推鹿车,载妻子,捃拾自资”李贤注引晋袁山松《后汉书》:“冉去官,尝使儿捃麦,得五斛。邻人尹台遗之一斛,嘱儿莫道。冉后知,即令并送六斛,言麦已杂矣,遂誓不敢受。”后以“还麦”指范冉严格教子之事。




is Fan Ran of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed :  of illicit of bully badger orange breaks through  Yan slope to hook Bai Zaisheng of Cong of  of cherry of Jie of the narrow that carry  of Luo of He of funny Mie of umbrella of put down of  of  of  of ⒁ of appropriate of thin @ neodymium Ran (Fan Ran) go official, taste make Jun wheat, get 5 a dry measure used in former times. Station of adjacent person Yin somethings lost one of a dry measure used in former times, enjoin Mo Dao. Ran Houzhi, even sends 6 a dry measure used in former times, yan Mai is miscellaneous already, satisfy oath to dare not suffer.

