gāng qiáng
意思解释:(Doughty)意志性格等坚强、不在恶势力前低头、不畏艰难。 健旺鼎盛。 指强暴的人。
Form (disposition, volition) firm, not be afraid of difficulty or do not succumb at vicious power. [illustrative sentence] ~ of this girl disposition, do not suffer a person to bully. [synonymous] see firm . [instead justice] cowardly; is effeminate [illustrative sentence] difficulty can make the person of ~ succumbs only, and doughty person criterion encounter and get the better of. ...
刚组词、强组词、 儒雅、秋岚、渺漫、报身、告乞、藊豆、手本、亮开、姬侍、跃升、扑殄、番椒、世谛、印署、挥扬、改塞、小比、讨正、烦剧、刚强、