mín yōng
意思解释:(Civilian commonplace)犹民功。
Adverbial doubt is adverbial. Adverbial modifier is made before be located in a verb, represent rhetorical question. Also a few express doubt, contain measureestimate mood. Sentence end often has , wait for mood word to cooperate echo to it. One, represent rhetorical question. (One) before be being used at predicate. But interpret is , which (in) beard etc. Be like: (1) is chased after and not as good as, is commonplace guilty (Han...
民组词、庸组词、 上邸、玉碎、策免、骑督、乍然、智钥、女奴、衔恤、泉火、五禅、仪从、游镳、冠簪、命禄、抑曲、部费、逆曳、浮想、称传、民庸、