èr huáng
意思解释:(One of the two chief types of music in traditional Chinese operas)也作“二簧”。一种乱弹戏剧曲调名,因出于黄坡、黄冈,故称。清朝中期由徽班传入北京,成为京调主体。 抗日战争时期人民群众对伪军的蔑称。中央,指国民党的所谓中央军。
One of opera sound antrum. 1876 Ge Yuanxu does Shanghai swim notes roll 2: Unplug road silents デ complains alliance to touch paddle of handkerchief of Gou of Jia grand ⒋ hey Jin adds W of cease of of instruct flavour to say look up lament is shallow Pi of of simian of toot of look up of of Tiao of silent of ┌ of of of Tuo of road Su! Thin
二组词、黄组词、 凤盖、车輢、败局、物图、伪从、属思、诗侠、元邈、膝进、说阔、拉纤、九街、撺越、良选、毁炎、贤行、规讽、蹴几、心音、二黄、