xiǎo tí
意思解释:(Little problem)古书卷首的题目。 明清科举考试时以“四书”文句命题为小题。
The analogy regards bagatelle as the important matter will do, the meaning that has such undeserved doing (Lu Gui) feel the sea is fussily, irritated evil ground is knitting brow. (Cao Yu thunderstorm ) if fussily, do so that let superior knew to perhaps become an accident. (People's Daily 2000-10-08) catchs him, it is the easiest thing originally. Their simply sends...
小组词、题组词、 机扃、月魄、病害、饷亿、营魂、家途、溃痈、要险、说誓、及亲、阳桃、野营、阳地、增进、攀凤、眼高、拐抓、颖敏、书记、小题、