
kū sǒu

意思解释:(Hole as shallow lake overgrown with wild plants)指寄托或藏身之所。




(The lake with big 1) lustre. does Lv age · have only then : Core of bully bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase twists  ! Toad of  of dusk of ⒌ of Chao Shujiu  of  of money storehouse lever! 7 Yun of ぶ of  of  of be jealous of ご bed of Sha of thoroughfare straightforward advice father's younger brother is in ~ , igneous sacrificing oneself for a just cause is provided lift. (: of father's younger brother (2) of answer bed excusing lofty compares the place that person or content collect. Cai Yong introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad wide yellow praise fining jade : ...

