yī shì
意思解释:(One is)一概,一律。
[Deputy] express to do not have exception inside a certain limits. Make adverbial modifier. But interpret is entirely . university of · of The Book of Rites : Accumulate of banter of bad of Man right calamity makes fun of border fence to break pregnant why is Zhai used up! still Man of scar of baric crafty correct post oh reach grind stroke makes an appointment with drought natrium to return of of human relations Chi to use up!
壹组词、是组词、 削刀、奏公、选住、头衔、觚简、云矗、荐书、钿波、裱托、陈告、狐臭、铣工、赡知、量敌、贵牲、竹涧、绝交、出震、未惬、壹是、