kāi hūn
意思解释:(Begin or resume a meat diet)信奉宗教的人解除吃素食的戒律或已满吃斋的期限,开始食肉。 泛指经历某种新奇的事情。
The person that points to the religion such as believe in buddhism ends the term of the commandment of abstain from eating meal or full already be a vegatarian for religious reasons, begin to have meat or fish. Analogy points to kill and wound the enemy with the weapon or shoot dead the person. [exemple] the plane comes, they... does the cannon that is about to be fond of so that patting Ming Guangzheng to shine say: of Hui of of earnest of Wen of full adze exhausted (3000 lis of country Yang Shuo) ...
开组词、荤组词、 属寓、议兵、族从、诱翼、碧幌、淹笃、仆竖、停航、无诸、卓见、醇善、磨蚁、补阙、青稞、卞急、曲儿、红艳、部头、罍尊、开荤、