èr dì
意思解释:(2 emperor)指唐尧与虞舜。指晋怀帝与晋愍帝。指宋徽宗与宋钦宗。 指 晋怀帝 与 晋愍帝。 指 宋徽宗 与 宋钦宗。
Know a monarch to have oneself therefore not, east Allah one character definitely. Bright chapter in succession firm soft Jian , always Ping Jianchu who dare Lie. Zuo countryside is talked politics politics it is be disrespectful, filial piety and appoint exhaust of bridle bare essence. How does An Dizhi install Bi , the Hu Ran that arrange the Supreme Being arranges those rhyme. Day also truly...
二组词、帝组词、 故交、艰梗、压饥、省却、贺学、绳非、姊归、猪草、饶益、文谱、诈妆、衣襋、点苍、武妓、暴巫、隔违、乌鱼、纁夏、打洞、二帝、