cù pāi
意思解释:(Hurried is patted)节奏急促的乐曲。宋张表臣《珊瑚钩诗话》卷二:“乐部中有促拍催酒,谓之《三台》。唐士云:'蔡邕自侍书御史,累迁尚书,不数日间,遍历三台。乐工以邕洞晓音律,故制曲以悦之。'”词曲中亦有冠以“促拍”之曲调名。如词中有《促拍采桑子》、《促拍满路花》;北曲《般涉调》中有《促拍令》,亦称《急曲子》。
Hurried is patted urge namely pat, say bunch is patted again. Composition rhythm is accelerated, some words are counted also grow in quantity, song Ren is added before some tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of Chinese poetry hurried is patted 2 words, move in order to distinguish Yu Yuan. Be like collect Sang Zi (renown Chou Nu ) for 44 words, zhu Duiru hurried pats Chou Nu add to 50 words. a collection of tunes of Chinese poems roll: of cloud of chip in of 8 this attune of low of Shen of Pai of of Lu of the angry that press Kong
促组词、拍组词、 眉连、黑米、篦箕、玩偶、西亚、一察、情赏、拦约、妍状、九涂、还妾、尖酸、合谋、魏郑、不达、嫉恨、腹记、幽昬、僧陀、促拍、