dù jǔ
意思解释:(Du Ju)春秋时,晋大夫知悼子(荀盈)卒,平公饮酒、击钟。宰夫杜蒉责以大臣丧日,不应举乐。平公引过自责,饮酒示罚,杜蒉洗而扬觯。平公曰:“如我死则必无废斯爵也。”以戒后世。事见《礼记·檀弓下》。后因以称享宴礼毕而举杯为杜举,表明此杯乃昔者杜蒉之所举。
Prevent: ) of bubbleku ì , person name. Prevent Kui holds high goblet. With admonish of expostulate with of mock of be made to drink as a forfeit monarch stops to make merry. Also show banquet drink cheers. When age, official a surname is filled with Jin Guogong dead, had not buried, jin Ping is fair make merry in Gong Zhongyin wine however. Chef prevent Kui sees state, pour 3 cups of wine, the first cup asks musician division free from worries to drink next; the 2nd cup asks close official Li Diaoyin to drop; the 3rd cup prevent...
杜组词、举组词、 风井、冰期、慎职、良好、湍激、拉德、悬耜、心相、枝鹊、迟顾、委缀、用尸、遐慕、病院、柴坛、孙刘、秤钩、禀闻、虹申、杜举、