
kuān kuài

意思解释:(Wide fast)舒畅;舒适。 谓面积或容积大。 宽裕。




< form > capacious. (One) Lu Guanhua of look forward to. Shandong Zi rich [] this house holds out ~ . Shandong birthday is smooth [] , post stage [] . ◇ music of Fu of aunt of · of collect of music of vulgar talking about fast the 2nd paragraph of: Ge large bamboo hat covers × Song of pilfer of  of fine of shrimp of banter of grey stalk  asks earnestly dust  cuts ankle of harmonious a small ingot of gold or silver to be afraid of  of bath  Song! 2) word of glue distant official. All Shandong cities [] the local true ~ that he stays in. &g of ② < form...

