
táng mì

意思解释:(Hall is close)峰势平缓。亦指平缓之山。《尔雅·释山》:“山如堂者,密。” 后因以“堂密”指堂与室。比喻距离极近。




Shi Shan of Er elegant · : dumpling fines silk Peng of mystery Lu  ! of exhausted  fraud form the person that be like hall room. Xing scanty: Fine silk dumpling of fall from the sky Peng of  of Meng art Guo! Bake rotten Long of our mandarin orange of Peng of younger sister of scar of deceive of Qi of large bamboo hat shakes 1 throws Di ah  of press and smooth of  of Po of hole of Jin of  of  of で of Sui of G of whencing   cuts  of  bone Gu into parts to lie of Jie of Nie cake Jian today Jin Ling, it is with Jing Xiang door window, jiang Guanpu mouth, hall is close between...

