
chē wǎ

意思解释:(The car is made of baked clay)指木轮大车木轮外围的铁皮。




Point to wooden annulus cart the iron sheet of wooden annulus periphery. Fine of a surname Hong bright red knives : Night of press and smooth of Yuan of μ of saddle outfit Juan art chart cling to car made of baked clay) , covet of equestrian v/arc shopowner is cheap, should allow him to be in door hole start working. note: formerly I am low leek of Jiao of Lu  moisture in the soil hold Hui carries   to flatter  of ぃ of  of ぬ of bank of Long of leek sluggish hut pulls ぢ of Zhong Jimu grand to stop up hey low to fold of shoot a glance at of exhausted  ǔ ! Thin

