qīn yú
意思解释:(Kiss area)旧时奉亲乘坐的板舆。典出晋潘岳《闲居赋》:“微雨新晴,六合清朗,太夫人乃御板舆,升轻轩,远览王畿,近周家园。”后以“亲舆”借指居官迎养其亲或致仕奉亲归田。
The source sees Pan Yu . Old times acts according to what take in person board area. Borrow point to Ju Guanying foster parent or send be an official to act according to put in cropland 's charge in person. Song Zhangxian will fair choose of henbane seed · go word: Thin
亲组词、舆组词、 尔乃、玉纤、讽赞、畴答、失惑、气调、心土、鲛泪、桧烟、督领、空诞、渊囿、收瘗、南翔、刀工、鼻孔、朱碧、仔仔、相饶、亲舆、