huán chuàn
意思解释:(Annulus bracelet)手镯。
Inside a key to do sth all annulus bracelet, silk is pressed before emerald green become warped. The first line of a couplet on a scroll gives land chelonian to cheat too lake stone ; the second line of a couplet gives Tang Yanqian Chinese generation . Inside: of a key to do sth Juan adept looks ⒍ plinth the tire of woman of of 4 the name of a river in Anhui Province, ...
环组词、钏组词、 异境、喷噀、外证、亲蔼、家乐、简笔、竺典、穿梭、豪奴、周材、斗镂、高丘、旧帙、提破、捞家、悲咽、墨黥、左貂、入神、环钏、