
mó shì

意思解释:(Demon thing)佛教指成道的障碍。 佛教指佛教之外的其他宗教的法事。




The secret religion when the Five Dynasties, Song Yuan is organized bright religion, advocate maigre, consecrate rub the Buddhist nun is bright mind, when of person for demon of the thing that eat food . Lu Xun break up casually break up : Fly firm suck of mellow  Song only then Chao Song of  of the copy that grab mace walks on suck of evil spirit of А   only then  of make a present of of  of Tuo of  of  of ⅰ of awake of Jia of  of  of the copy that grab mace amuses to bang of Ang of plinth of the  that pull  to delay thin  of elder brother  ! Thin

