
cāng xiāng

意思解释:(Storehouse box)《诗·小雅·甫田》:“乃求千斯仓,乃求万斯箱。”郑玄笺:“成王见禾谷之税,委积之多,于是求千仓以处之,万车以载之。是言年丰收入逾前也。”朱熹集传:“箱,车箱也。”后因以“仓箱”喻丰收。




is poetic · small elegant · Fu Tian :  of bay raise Ji in all Huan of melon of Qiong of Po of Zheng  raise! of our P  the duty that becomes Wang Jianhe cereal, appoint accumulate, beg 1000 storehouses then with be in, 10 thousand cars with carrying. It is character year before abundant income evens more also. hind because of with storehouse box Yu Feng closes. Quan Deyu in is the He Yu below book door expressed : Be in order of full F large bamboo hat, storehouse box but period. Hu , drive rain...

