fàn wěi
意思解释:(Make remaining part)谓作诗犯上尾病。具体指格律诗中上句尾字与下句尾字犯同声调之病。此系南朝·梁·沈约提出的作诗八病之一。
Renown green jade lotus . Liu Yong seeing the Song Dynasty movement collect . term keep under control roll 14, a collection of tunes of Chinese poems roll 23 this attune. Double attune, cent word and 98 words two body: Climb to mire eventually situation of Lu hole lives make a present of of of fragrance another name for Guangdong Province makes an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise of A Chinese-style unlined garment smooth with a rake to comfort battle lives of Dan of of of money Huang Zi lifts Lu Si Lu of of detailed of garden rare garden is rare!
犯组词、尾组词、 息借、小吃、绎骚、遗巧、瞻羡、详重、门警、粉汗、欣悉、刻敝、少息、训饬、笄导、曲谋、庸劣、川域、免囚、支附、瑰奇、犯尾、