
yí xìng

意思解释:(Sex of involuntary discharge of urine)指遗传下来的本性。




Human nature. is Mencius · accused child on : Bu of  of  of excuse me is ill! Thin aegis beard imprints of ば far Chi the person's ~ is evil, its be apt to person bogus also. (bogus: V of  of   the Song Dynasty mounds a key to do sth bears  of  of Yang of Qiong of choke of heir of live abroad of  of Lan model  ah ② of of  of male form of value of Dong of  of ⒗  bandit is idiosyncratic, function. dream brook conversation by writing roll 26 is medicine discussed :  of brilliant of  of  of the Sha that press the Song Dynasty is ill! Hail mansion

