ēn yuàn
意思解释:(Kind and enmity)感恩之情与仇怨之情。 仇恨。 偏指怨恨。
I abhor of people ingrate, compare abhor lying, peacockish, gabby, excessive drinking, or it is other consist in the be immersed in evil heart in weak popular feeling is even fierce. 〔 flower 〕 Shakespeare dozenth night his interest for oneself, to low of your forfeit one's honor bend forward, time goes be about to leave, leave you to be in rain. 〔 flower 〕 Shakespeare king lear...
恩组词、怨组词、 跳攻、方船、柔然、扫地、出位、巫尪、极戍、系表、献羔、放娇、争吵、乐谱、渠门、长苏、约迭、法筵、绮札、道穷、抓攫、恩怨、