qǐ zhá
意思解释:(Thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China of figured woven silk material)词藻华丽的书信。
敬称道他人的书信之词。“绮”是美好的意思,“札”指书信、信札。多用于书信语体。例展读阁下绮札,美意尽收眼底。注意:“绮”不能读作yǐ。 …
Respect the epistolary word of commend other. Figured woven silk material the meaning that is happiness, Thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China point to epistolary, letters. Multi-purpose at epistolary type of writing. Exemple exhibit read thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China of Your Exllency figured woven silk material, beautiful meaning all stops eye ground.
绮组词、札组词、 丽古、春种、弓背、跳攻、方船、柔然、扫地、出位、巫尪、极戍、系表、献羔、放娇、争吵、乐谱、渠门、长苏、约迭、法筵、绮札、