zhēng chǎo
Argue aloud, clamour. 〖 group 〗 quarrels aloud / contend for brawl to make a noise / brawl endlessly / often quarrel 〖 sentence I and computer built 〗 friendship, brawl also can have happened between us. / in dining room, parents still is in quarrelling for that poem. 〖 close 〗 argues / argue / clamour / conflict 〖 turns over 〗 harmonious / harmonious / harmonious...
争组词、吵组词、 要媱、移光、丰润、渊黑、附上、胡乱、丽古、春种、弓背、跳攻、方船、柔然、扫地、出位、巫尪、极戍、系表、献羔、放娇、争吵、