
rén wàng

意思解释:(The person looks)人心所向;众人所仰望;威望,声望。 众望所归的人。 声望;威望。




(1) everybody place is looked up at. Wang Changchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : king) man is thought of with common people Chinese, already wordy Di Yi is not dead, of reason arrogation, with from ~ . (the person that place of 2) people's expectations puts in 's charge. Liu Yu Xi send Li Shangshu to press down slippery city : Zi of  of Chi of Xiang of  of Bo of You of hook of vomit of white belch enmity bank is depended on take! 3) prestige. is Cui Xiu of boreal history · passed : Does detailed of target Bi wait bite  of  of ⅰ of another name for Guangdong Province of  bud Hui

