
fēn zhāng

意思解释:(Cent piece)〈书〉分手;离别。 分离;离散。 指解散,遣散。




Dispersive. Zhong Hui article of Sichuan of a call to arms :  of grave of  of Qia of extensive of a surname of bank  fade climbs miscellaneous  of cliff of Tuo blessing  eventually illuminate annulus  Α ! 0 clumsy of Ge of hail Shen bell is right live damask shine fat of treasure of insane of male rate of bits of He  Shao reason feeling week is full to hand in close, xin Ming divides Zhang Ji infirmity. ③ is parting. is wind of · of model of home of colour family name held :  of dam ankle Yong Rui why Zhen of Yan of Lai of Jia of  of ぃ of  of  of Xin of  of Lai Zhang Sao!

