xiǎo jī
意思解释:(Small be hungry)粮食小歉收。
较轻的灾荒。《汉书·食货志》:“小饥则收百石。”颜师古注引张晏曰: “平岁百亩之收, 收百五十石, 今小饥收百石, 收三分之二也。”…
Lighter famine due to crop failures. does Chinese book · feed goods keep in mind : of Ji of look up of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of target 〖 ⒃ ! Caution account casts ⒁ Peng to clean out smooth year old 100 mus close, receive 150 stone, today small be hungry receives 100 stone, close 2/3 also. ...
小组词、饥组词、 详要、失错、蒲海、玉水、猿人、轨物、远邦、五邦、引繂、岳公、祠位、城坞、凭吊、姣娃、孤馆、鱼口、鼻亭、掀发、挥弓、小饥、