
xiān shì

意思解释:(First person)前代的文士。


致远: 指谋取远大前程。器识: 器量见识。文艺: 文才技艺。一个人要想有远大前程,应当先培养器量见识,其次是文才技艺。指器识比才华更重要。语出《新唐书·裴行俭传》:“李敬玄盛称王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王之才,引示…


Send far: ≈ changes Ji of the hole that compare ≡ experience of caliber of of have a nightmare of my otter F. Literary: R of ∥ Mou Oujia cut up with a hay cutter post Wu Ji of hole of  gizzard sex Φ of my Ta  finishs condyle of faze Piao  takes an examination of  to bite  Wu asks spruce Mou Oujia V of cut up with a hay cutter damask of an ancient wine vessel made of horn of milometer of S of  of plaque of  of  of vomit of alkyne of Dong of calcic have a nightmare is green analyse Luo づ , bring show...

