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意思解释:(Nation)指历史上形成的、处于不同社会发展阶段的各种人的共同体。 特指历史上形成的有共同语言、共同地域、共同经济生活以及表现于共同文化上的共同心理素质的人的共同体。
The name points to to be formed on the history, the community of all sorts of people that are in different society to develop level. The community of the person that ② refers in particular to the collective psychology quality that has life of common language, collective district, collective economy and expression to go up at common culture. ...
民组词、族组词、 待对、乘奔、宾位、高悬、诗狂、彟矩、沈渊、野素、防制、酒觥、学说、田棱、封署、狡客、口沉、诨衣、胥母、形命、朽苇、民族、