lí hēi
Black. The face with 〖 group dark 〗 / the skin is dark / dark Zhuang Han 〖 sentence the flue that the fisher with big and tall and dark 〗 was pulling to tear drenchedly goes. / he is a figure big and tall, the hale boy with dark skin. 〖 close 〗 is dark / Mo Hei / inky 〖 turns over 〗 whiteness / snow-white / 〗 of cadaverous 〖 differentiate dark make again Li Hei , the meaning of a word is same...
黧组词、黑组词、 嚣人、豪幸、广被、颠奇、袭拔、卯生、后叶、衔弦、牧畜、启口、浓厚、蒙幕、弥甥、幽蹇、明利、风子、襄助、饬朴、咕咙、黧黑、