wèi hè
意思解释:(Wei He)《左传·闵公二年》:“冬十二月,狄人伐卫。卫懿公好鹤,鹤有乘轩者。将战,国人受甲者皆曰:'使鹤,鹤实有禄位,余焉能战!'”后因以“卫鹤”为滥叨封爵之典。
The source sees by Xuan He . Analogy shows incapacity is not had result and suffer bestow favor on encounter Ju Lu person. Is Tang Li white give announce city Zhao Taishou Yue poetic: Gather up ㄈ sends basket to wish of filling of constitution! Thin
卫组词、鹤组词、 玉箔、贴墨、贞华、命棺、节货、重彩、汽轮、胃囊、仙龛、介倪、唾吐、黍雪、齐牛、驱领、挥袖、询求、填户、窝集、见方、卫鹤、