
lǎo lóng

意思解释:(Laolong)指老子。语本《史记·老子韩非列传》:“至于龙吾不能知,其乘风云而上天。吾今日见老子,其犹龙邪!” 龙图阁学士的别称。




history is Han of the father that write down · not biographies : Pa gets Pan of Jiao of N of salty shank of  of deficient of entangled of new moon of Su of  of  of Pie of barren of the Hu that read  to occupy  to display of  of pond of cherry  Xu hind because of with Laolong point to father. Material of Hunan of Yuan Ye law does the spring outing in the river have feeling poetic:  of Zheng of  of Su of stool of  of white calamity  already  accept Ge judges narrow  ! Thin

