
cuō jī

意思解释:(Gather dustpan)〈方〉:撮垃圾等用的簸箕。




< name > dustpan of dustpan; dung. (One) Beijing official word. Beijing [] . (2) word of Central Plains official. Henan Zhengzhou [. Henan opera the footmark of love the first: Calamity of friend of rice of Xie of the Zhun that hold an ancient small-mouthed wine vessel high scrupulously and respectfully an ancient wine vessel made of horn of Chi of Mi of ツ of ⅰ  brave! Xiao of brown of low contraction Jie. (3) word of official of river the Huaihe River. Jiangsu Nanjing [. [of Hubei Xi water. (4) southwest official word. [of Hunan Chang De. Sichuan Chengdu [. Ke Fei...

