yīng xióng
意思解释:(Hero)非凡出众的人物。指见解、才能超群出众或领袖群众的人。 指具有英雄品质的人。 无私忘我,不辞艰险,为人民利益而英勇奋斗,令人敬佩的人。
Valiant and renown competence excel in, outstanding person. [illustrative sentence] does he say: Install bad charming cereal to go up body of coal of of bad deceive of postscript Dong Cui! Thin with respect to Ying Jie of; of person of outstanding talent of; of brave man of; of hero of of ⒑ of Sui hole [differentiate and analyse] hero emphasize having brave very much slightly, there is very tall authority harmony to look in masses, the real McCoy that can be used at the respect such as military affairs, politics, culture, sports and art...
英组词、雄组词、 籍没、扳道、叶肉、郢斧、完赵、汾酒、登阶、庸才、息心、贰日、洼尊、主胙、慎徽、归程、软绊、短欠、韱察、意谊、饱餍、英雄、